This article indicates examples of how to make JK flip-flop on Pd(PURE DATA),
without any DSP objects[~] and [expr].
JK flip-flop - Wikipedia(en)
The following circuit is a JK-FF circuit consists only of
arithmetic product, logical NOT, and basic PD objects [trigger] and [f].
This circuit simulates continuous feedback loops of logic circuit,
so a proper accuracy is expected.
Its logic context is pretty honest, and leaves the possibility of make more better.
Just do it as you like.
The next one is a more simplified circuit using [select] object,
that is made with an approach of replicate truth table or timing chart of JK-FF.
A basic specification of inputs(J,K,CLK)-outputs(Q,Q!) is corrected,
but its transient response may be not enough.
Therefore it is not recommended to implement this circuit on your project
that contains some logical feedbacks.
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